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UAE Mainland

UAE Mainland Company Formation is highly sought after due to the country’s reputation as a thriving trade hub and one of the safest nations globally. Entrepreneurs recognize the UAE mainland as an ideal location to establish their corporations and open bank accounts, thanks to its status as a tax haven and its robust banking network.
The most prevalent business form in the UAE mainland is the Limited Liability Company (LLC). Recent cabinet decisions have eliminated the requirement for local sponsors in specific industries and commercial activities, allowing foreign investors to have 100% ownership in mainland companies. This means that investors can now establish a limited liability company without the need for a local sponsor.
All organizations involved in commercial, financial, industrial, agricultural, real estate, or any other economic operations on the mainland are subject to the amendments made to Federal Law No. 2 of 2015 on Commercial Companies and Amended Law No. 26 of 2020.

Benefits Of UAE Mainland Company Formation

Setting up a mainland company in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can offer several benefits. The UAE mainland refers to areas that are not part of free zones, where foreign investors can have full ownership of their businesses. Here are some benefits of UAE mainland company formation:

Key Aspects of Establishing a Mainland Company in the UAE

  1. Mainland enterprises in the UAE do not face any tax burdens.
  2. Obtaining a Mainland Company Formation License does not require a specific amount of legal capital.
  3. The process of setting up a mainland company is streamlined and hassle-free.
  4. There is no mandatory requirement for an audit to be conducted.
  5. Approvals for UAE Mainland Company Formation are easily obtained.
  6. The company can be managed from any location within the UAE.
  7. There are no legal restrictions on the use of money for mainland companies.
  8. Dubai offers convenient and readily available services for employment visas.
  9. The financial status of a company can be transparently disclosed.
  10. All capital and profits can be repatriated without any obstacles.
  11. The company office is easily accessible from any part of the UAE.

Different Types of Mainland Company Formation in the UAE

Setting up a mainland company in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can offer several benefits. The UAE mainland refers to areas that are not part of free zones, where foreign investors can have full ownership of their businesses. Here are some benefits of UAE mainland company formation:

Foreign Branch Office

Dubai offers opportunities for corporate entities seeking to expand their operations. If you are looking to expand globally towards the MENA region, you can consider establishing a branch office through mainland company formation.

Professional Companies

Also known as common organizations, these companies are dedicated to a specific profession and carry out professional practices related to their field.


One of the most popular forms of business entities is the limited liability company (LLC), which requires a minimum of two investors and allows a maximum of fifty. The distribution of individual shares determines the level of responsibility each partner has.

Representative Office

The UAE allows foreign financial experts to establish representative offices without the need for an investor. These offices primarily focus on research and development activities and promotional efforts, rather than engaging in operational activities.

Steps Involved in Acquiring a Mainland License in the UAE

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