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Ajman Mainland

Ajman, situated on the Arabian Gulf, is a thriving emirate within the United Arab Emirates, providing an enticing backdrop for entrepreneurial endeavors. Entrepreneurs eyeing Ajman Mainland for business establishment find a dynamic environment that encourages growth and innovation. From selecting an optimal business activity to navigating the regulatory landscape, the process of establishing a business in Ajman Mainland aligns with the emirate’s commitment to fostering a vibrant economic ecosystem. As entrepreneurs set their sights on this onshore hub, the fusion of strategic location, diverse business opportunities, and a supportive infrastructure underscores Ajman’s appeal for those seeking a thriving business venture in the heart of the UAE.

Establishing a Business in Ajman Mainland

Setting up a business in Ajman Mainland can be a great opportunity, offering access to the local market and potential growth within the UAE.

Benefits of Ajman Mainland


100% Foreign Ownership

Recent regulations allow complete ownership by foreign entrepreneurs, making it more attractive.

Strategic Location

Ajman boasts proximity to major ports and airports, facilitating business operations and trade.


Compared to other emirates, Ajman offers comparatively lower setup and operational costs.

Simplified Process

Streamlined procedures and government support can expedite company formation.

Steps for Establishing a Business in Ajman Mainland


Initial Approval

Submit an application and obtain preliminary approval from the Ajman Municipality Customer Service Center.


Location and Inspections

Choose an approved commercial space and notify the Inspection Unit for necessary checks.


Trade Name and Documents

Choose a suitable trade name and gather required documents, including MoA, service agent contract, and lease agreement.


Approvals and License

Secure approvals from relevant government agencies depending on your business activity.


Company Registration and License

Register your company and obtain the final business license from the Register of Companies.

Setting up a business in Ajman Mainland with a trade license can be an exciting prospect!

  1. General Trading License: Allows trade in a wide range of goods.
  2. Specific Trading License: Covers specific product categories like food, electronics, or construction materials.
  3. Professional License: For professionals like doctors, lawyers, or engineers.
  4. Industrial License: For manufacturing or production activities.

The Necessary Formalities to Setup Business In Ajman Mainland

The Necessary Formalities to Setup Business In Ajman Mainland
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